Oh my hell! This sweet, quiet lady is a friggin daredevil! Who knew?!! I love LOVE learning about everyone’s secret passions! Leilani has found that success in business and life is to take time to Breathe as well as to be willing to take the risks to push you further. What a rockstar!!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I’m a daredevil! I love adrenaline and pushing the limits. I broke the speed record for the Las Vegas Speedway and beat all the drivers in my F1 class (and yes, I was the only girl in my class).

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My mother! She has a keen mind for business and has always pushed me to go further.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
A trip around the world. I would love to spend several months getting to see every place possible. No limits.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Breathe! I love yoga and through my practice I’ve learned of the importance of breathing. Not just regular but deep, conscious, cleaning breaths.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I love Marie Forleo! Great vlogs. Music? I love 80’s modern or new wave. No hair bands!

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
The hardest lesson for me to learn has been to know where I am and know where I want to go. Plan, plan, update, plan, repeat. I made mistakes that hurt me and decisions that pushed me to the top. I learned from all of them. Keep a flexible eye on the goal! And remember that self care is a must. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of business. Enjoy the journey.

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