Have you met Nineveh yet? She’s the BOMB! Girlfriend, go get some time with her, and her experience in media and business will rock your world. I know from experience! The media exposure I have had recently can all be traced back to one event she put on..did you hear that? Game changer with Just. One. Event. What I love about Nineveh is that, yes, she has been on Tv and all that, but she is REAL, down to earth and plain ol’fun to be around. She is relatable, knowledgable, and wants to help women feel confident to push themselves to the next level. She walks the talk, people, inspiring others to do the same!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
The way to my heart is New York Cheesecake!

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My mentor in most recent years has been my Father, Francis. He’s an entrepreneur and always reminds me to stay in the game even when I face what feel like unwinnable challenges. My husband John is my love first and foremost, but a coach to me in so many ways. He teaches me to stay in the moment, and to love life. He’s so positive! I always marvel at that. Role Models – Sheryl Sandberg, Marie Forleo and any woman doing what she loves.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I’d go for a month long vacation to the Bahamas. Put me anywhere by the beach, ocean and sunshine and I’m happy! I’ve never been to the Bahamas, but it sounds magical. And I’d need a month because I’d love to learn how to once again live without all these devices! Remember when we only had pagers?

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Do it because you want to. Do it for purpose and legacy. Not for the money. Not for the glory. But for the mission, and to create impact. I’ve learned to shift my focus on those things in recent years.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Lately, it’s been Gary Vaynerchuck. He is harsh, but sometimes it doesn’t help to be coddled. So he’s like my big brother who will tell me how it is. When I’m feeling sorry for myself, I listen to Gary V.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
You can’t control everything. Learn to let go, and love the journey. Everyone pushes for the destination, but the destination is always changing. So focus on the journey, and the growth that comes with it – and the person you become as a result.

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine.
We publish daily content at www.hermag.co focusing on trending topics, the latest news impacting women, and business articles.

 Our monthly magazine is in iTunes & Google Play. Download our app for free, and sign up for a free 7-day trail. If you love our publication, it’s $5.99/month of $59.99 a year for a subscription.