Meet Ms. Yates! She is the Superwoman Healthcare Guru! With all the craziness around healthcare these days, it’s great to know there is someone out their who can decipher it all and bring it down to our level and help us understand what we need! It’s renewal time ladies, go check out her site, get your healthcare straightened away, and pour yourself a glass of wine because you know she’s gotten you the best deal around!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I love to do home improvements. I spent 10 years fixing up an 1891 Queen Anne Farmhouse. My mom and I remodeled every inch of it. I’m always looking for little projects or things to build.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
As a child I was raised by a single mom who worked as a secretary. She enrolled my brother and I in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. The volunteer who acted was my Big was a mortgage broker. It was the first time I had seen a strong professional woman making her way in the world. She really opened my eyes to opportunities that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise!

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Egypt. I wanted to be Indiana Jones when I grew up!

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Love More, Work Hard, Dream Big, Travel Often

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I’m really enjoying the Pumpkin Plan right now. I bought because I’m obsessed with pumpkins (I LOVE to grow them) but it has been great at getting me to narrow my focus to what I’m really good at.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
The most valuable thing in life is your relationships with others. Put it first.

Check out her services